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Congratulations for choosing the only Equine Assisted Business Training (EABT™) - Equine-Assisted Learning (EAL) BuildingBlock™ horse course in the World. Today you will be looking through information about the most incredible interactive horse-human learning experience available in the country, and we plan to make your experience a memorable one.
“I want a job working with horses and people”
“I don’t want to be a riding instructor”
“I want to work in a horse field where horsemanship is about working WITH our horses”
“I need a horse course that will set me up for business!
“I DON’T want to work in horse therapy”
“I want to learn with my horses”
“I want to change lives”
If this sounds like you, then you are ready to become an Equine Assisted Learning Facilitator. A horse course and business that will prepare you for success! So what is equine assisted learning? Horsemanship? No. Therapy? No. It is an opportunity to help develop life skills with your clients while working with horses as the teachers.
This horse course is about inspiring and helping other human beings develop life skills! Skills are the most sought after commodity in every industry. We are experts in understanding what the horse is saying. We study the horse because we value the well-being of the horse and understand that a horse can only, 'Think like a horse' and that is how we can get results for the clients who enter our arena.
It's not just a certification; it's starting your new business! Learn from the industry leaders how to not only become Certified in EABT & EAL but how to market and build your business in this very specialized equine field. This course is Internationally Recognized and has facilitators certified all over the world!
Our mission is to develop businesses and individuals to create sustainable change in their lives, their communities and the world. This amazing five (5) day Equine Assisted Learning Certified Horse Course combines on-site learning, and on-line review training to empower you with the knowledge you need to start facilitating and leading people in your own community. All we do at our facility is Equine Assisted Business Training and Equine Assisted Learning, which shows you how you too can have a viable business with your love of horses, people and a freedom with income, plus business write off’s.
Make your mark in your community, create a legacy and a great reputation, and go to market with creditability. No other horse program you take will compare to this, the only Certified Program in the World.
This course has been designed with a process that is continually learning and building on their skills. Each program objective is interlaced in the next program so that your participants keep learning and keep building stronger skills each week, hence, a BuildingBlock™ EAL Course. You will have repeat business because the programs are set up, so the participants get the best chance at building life long skills through ongoing experiential learning.
This Course will give you a step by step master plan:
• Help you identify your ideal client
• Give you the core skills you need to deliver your programs with confidence, ease and effectiveness
• How to price your service
• How to be profitable from day one (1)
• How to create your marketing messages and effectively reach your target audience
Upon completion of this course, not only are you certified as an Equine Connection - The Academy of Equine Assisted Learning Certified EAL Facilitator, you have a certification that works! You’ll get tons of proven tips and techniques that will help you to make your dreams come true, guaranteed! And more importantly ... the freedom to do what you love!

The Equine Assisted Learning Certification Course ensures the technical competence of their trained professional facilitators. Certification exams go beyond training by providing an objective measurement of a facilitator's knowledge and skills. The Equine Connection - The Academy of Equine Assisted Learning Certification Course is designed to establish standards for developing qualified facilitators.
As defined by the Global Certification Institute: Certification refers to the confirmation of certain characteristics of a person, organization or object. This confirmation is often, but not always, provided by some form of external review, education or assessment. One of the most common types of certification in modern society is professional certification, where a person is certified as being able to competently complete a job or task, usually by the passing of an examination. The purpose of any professional certification is to produce official and public recognition of an individual's competencies and capabilities in a professional subject area.
To raise the professional standards and improve the practice of cost engineering by giving special recognition by their peers to those who, in fulfilling prescribed standards of performance and conduct, have demonstrated and maintained a high level of competence and ethical practices.
To identify for employers, clients and the public persons with a broad knowledge of cost engineering, and capability to professionally apply the principals of total cost management.
To establish a program with the goal of continuous improvement for individuals cost engineering skills and professional development.
To clarify the skills, knowledge and standards of conduct for the practice of cost engineering.
The Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, often called Bloom's Taxonomy, is a classification of the different objectives that educators set for students (learning objectives). Bloom's Taxonomy divides educational objectives into three "domains:" Affective, Psychomotor, and Cognitive.
Like other taxonomies, Bloom's is hierarchical; meaning that learning at the higher levels is dependent on having attained prerequisite knowledge and skills at lower levels (Orlich, et al. 2004). A goal of Bloom's Taxonomy is to motivate educators to focus on all three domains, creating a more holistic form of education.
Most references to the Bloom's Taxonomy only notice the Cognitive domain. There is also a far less referred, revised version of the Taxonomy, published in 2001 under the name of "A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing", eds. Anderson, Lorin W., Krathwohl, David R., Airasian, Peter W., Cruikshank, Kathleen A., Mayer, Richard E., Pintrich, Paul R., Raths, James and Wittrock, Merlin C. (philter, GCI Pty. Ltd. )
• Consumer Confidence
• Continuity of Content
• Exercises/Programs that have been researched, tested and work
• Marketability of your own EAL programs
• BuildingBlock™ Exercises/Programs ready to use
• Potential increased profitability to your existing equine facility
• Access to Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) insurance
• Job/Career accessibility to the equine guided industry
Equine-Assisted Learning programs are a powerful journey of learning and understanding for those who participate. Horses in this program are effective teaching tools; immediately responding to what participants do, trained facilitators look for "teachable moments" that horses identify. Quite simply, the horse does the teaching; facilitators are there to offer an explanation and provide guidance as they work through the solution.
The single most asked question is, why are horses used? To understand how this process works we must first realize how horses learn and understand the laws of survival. In a horse’s world, the rules are clear, easy to understand and dealt with swiftly when challenged.
Nature provides them with instincts and senses that are very astute. For their mere survival, a wild horse must be aware of their surroundings and quick to react. They watch for the slightest movement, especially threatening body posture. Horses know how to discern the difference between a calm, non-threatening approach and anxious, nervous energy; immediately identifying individuals struggling internally. By understanding the true nature of the horse, we can alter our techniques to become efficient facilitators.
Horses look for strong leadership are willing to follow, but only after they find respect and trust. If we provide contradictory behaviour, they will question and challenge our authority to lead. Horses respect the stringent outline of the hierarchy. In a horse’s world, teamwork is respected and expected. Horses respond favourably to positive stimulus and respect consequences since it is fair. Horses are tough and steadfast dance partners; they don’t judge, but they don’t forget. They don’t let you cheat, and their feedback is honest. Dr Phil may have paraphrased "how’s that working for you" but horses have been asking since the beginning of time.
The horse is known as "the teller of truth" who desires to "do the right thing". It is believed that a horse's spirit will lead individuals in the "right direction" and will assist them in understanding their place in the circle of life.
If we, as facilitators, are willing to listen, they can assist us with guiding groups to becoming better individuals. By including horses in specially designed educational experiences, equine-assisted specialists have greatly multiplied the participant’s rate of success to self-discovery. Horses can’t over think a participant’s motive, and horses can’t manipulate behaviour. But by their intuitive nature and innate sensitivity, horses can provide facilitators with a window into the participant’s personality. As facilitators listen to a horse’s non-verbal communication, together, they have the ability to walk participants through to finding life-altering change.
By understanding why and how horses are aware of our every movement – you will come to understand how effective equine-assisted learning programs are to finding success.
By their intuitive nature and innate sensitivity, horses can provide facilitators with a window into the participant's personality. As a prey animal, they are sensitive to the stimulus of each participant. They react to the stimulus through body language and participants must adjust their feelings and behaviours to work successfully with the horses.
Quite simply, equine-assisted learning, works.

Whether you are in Canada, USA, Australia or Timbuktu there is a facility that can help you to start your dream career! Don't see a location close to you? Host the horse school at your location!